We established the Vitama S.A. R&D Center for the purpose of carrying out research and development works on innovative medical devices/medicinal products/dietary supplements for use in the treatment of cancer and mouth diseases

1. Planned works:

Currently, we are at the final selection stage for 2-3 promising projects. Signing of the necessary agreements and commencement of works is planned for Q2 2021

2. Current projects:

Delivery of product innovation:

We are currently working on implementing the following innovative products as part of project No. POIR.02.01.00-00-068/2017:

  • Targeted drug for liver cancer therapy with significantly reduced toxicity reducing strain on the patient’s body and potentially improving the life expectancy and survival rate after successful therapy.
  • Plant-derived adaptogenic medicinal product, boosting the immune system, concentration and mood, improving natural regeneration and cleansing, particularly after chemo- and  radiation therapy
  • Dietary supplement for prevention and adjuvant treatment of mouth diseases

The following equipment is available at the analytical laboratory:

  • High efficiency liquid chromatograph with UV-VIS detection system coupled with UHPLC-DAD-ESI(APCI)- QTOF mass spectrometer;
  • High efficiency UHPLC fliuid chromatograph with UV-VIS (DAD) and fluorescence detection systems;
  • Gas chromatograph coupled with mass detector, triple quadrupole type GC-MS/MS;
  • Emission spectrometer with inductively coupled plasma ICP-MS;
  • A broad range of analytical columns for liquid and gas chromatography as well as semi-preparative chromatography;
  • Dissolution bath for active substance release coupled with fraction collector unitand UV-VIS spectrophotometer;
  • FTIR spectrometer with attachments: transmission and ATR;
  • NIR spectrometer with probe for identifying homogeneity of solid and liquid mixtures;
  • Flash type liquid chromatograph – laboratory scale with detectors: spectrophotometric and ELSD and fraction collector unit;
  • Instrument for potentiometric titration;
  • Instrument for determining water content using Karl-Fischer method;
  • Instrument for determining molecule size;
  • Instrument for determining the physical characteristics of tablets and capsules (hardness, mass, diameter, thickness);
  • Instrument for determining dissolution time of tablets/capsules;
  • Instrument for abrasion testing of tablets;
  • Instrumentation for determining loose material characteristics (bulk density, repose angle)
  • Microwave mineralizer;
  • Cryomill;
  • Climate boxes for stability testing;

The following equipment is available to the technological section:

  • Rotary tablet press with capacity from 13.200 to 198.000 tab/h.
  • Capsule filler unit for hard capsules.
  • Coating system
  • Laboratory lyophiliser
  • 24L capacity conical mixer, used for blending finished materials and mixing all loose solids, including products with different bulk density values
  • Fluid jet mill for substance micronization, mixing, dispergation, wet milling and introducing powders to liquid.
  • Extruder