We are planning to establish a research and development center in Poznań in the near future, this facility will be to developing new R&D methods involving molecules with potential therapeutic applications. The center will develop new study models, such as: organoids, bioprinted chips of breast cancers, ovarian cancer and glioblastoma multiforme to be used as testing grounds for new particles to be registered as new types of cancer treatment in the future.
Developing new tissue-engineered models of breast cancer, ovarian cancer and brain tumors based on 3D bioprinting of live tissue for the purpose of testing innovative clinical candidates.
We will be using cancer tissue fragments obtained in collaboration with hospitals.These will be processed in laboratory conditions and used in bioprinting to achieve repeatable copies of cancer “mini-tumors”. This standardized and repeatable method of growing based on bioprinting will be an excellent testing platform for new treatments.
Treatment of breast and/or ovarian cancer based on tenascin-C inhibition by ATN
The therapy based on tenascin-C inhibition will be tied to the CANCER PRINT platform. The level of tenascin-C will be tested in tissue samples obtained from hospitals. Afterwards, the tissues will be used in bioprinting as a model (standardized and optimized) for testing new treatments or developing personalized therapy. Depending on the cancer type diagnosed for the given patient, in conjunction with the measured level of tenascin-C, it is potentially possible to tailor/develop the most optimal set/cocktail therapy (e.g. by combining molecular and standard therapy).